We provide a wide range of professional services to meet your needs. We promise to provide every service with a smile and to your highest level of satisfaction.
Our seminars are designed with all-round support, full-time catering, seminar program with workbook and provide support on your path to transformation. Our coaches are trained and experienced in their fields. You will be spoiled with a delicious meal, own cook on site. Vegan, international & Mediterranean cuisine
Especially for us women over the age of 45, it is a time of questions, doubts and search for meaning, but also of insights and visions! It is a time of personal change! During this time we need courage, openness, confidence and a positive, trusting exchange. Our body, our life roles and life values change and we can look lovingly but honestly at ourselves and our lives and see if everything still fits. We are allowed to deal with US, with our own wishes, needs, values, goals, competencies and fears. This reflection opens the doors to personal change and growth. In my coaching I accompany you a bit on this exciting journey of discovery and strengthen you for your desired change. Contents: Self-efficacy & self-development Self-care & self-determination Self-esteem & self-confidence Resilience & well-being Mindfulness & Balance.
Safe the Date 16.09. - 20.09.2025
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Hier finden Sie uns
Soul Business Mallorca
Dunja Kraffczyk
Erstellt mit viel Liebe und wir wachsen weiter!
Developed with love and we’re growing!
Creado con amor y crecer!